Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 8: September 4, 2009

Rappin' the Declaration? Ballin'!

It was interesting to see the kids engage in creative work. The project was to make a rap/song/poem of the Declaration of Independence, incorporating the basic points of the preamble and conclusion and mention at least 5 of the grievances.

At first, some groups seemed to stall. Others took off immediately into daring projects. Mrs Blank advised me to walk around the room at first to make sure everyone had a handle on what they were supposed to do, and then to hang back and let them work. Which is pretty much what I would have done. Just sayin'.

Note on differentiation: The AP classes were responsible for reading the declaration themselves. For the on level classes we read it together.

Ideas discussed:

Recording a music video
Recording a song
Beatnik poem/poetry slam
Metal song
Ska song
Something with a ukulele

Notable Quote:

Overachiever Girl: "We're going to do a rap! And have costumes! I love group projects! Do you know any gang signs?"

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